Volume 4 Issue 1

Volume 4 issue 1 - (June 2024)

Voume 4 issue 1 - (june 2024) RESEARCH PAPERS DETAILS

Sr.No Dept Name Of the Authors Title of Paper Email Adress
1 Mechanical Sanskar S. Dhore, Rahul M. Kulkarni and Bhushan S. Mane Development of Mapping and Surveying Drone ronak0705@gmail.com
2 Arijit I. Haldar and Nitin D. Pagar Control of Bipod Robot and its stability arijithaldar99@gmail.com
3 Ketan Kalke and Prof. Bhumeshwar Patle Study on Application of AI controllers for speed control of motors ketank2y@gmail.com
4 Saurabh Babu Hirwe, Abhishek Kumar Kashyap and Bhumeshwar Patle A Review on Involvement of AI, RPA and IoT in Human Resource Management Hirwesaurabh18@gmail.com
5 Kasturi Mahajan and Prof. Shashank Gawade HESS with Control Algorithms in Dual-Chemistry Battery Pack for Light Electric Vehicles kasturim1999@gmail.com
6 Nishad Milind Rajhans, Ayush Giri, Kalpesh Kolte Autonomous Indoor Mapping Robot using ROS gufranmomin1234@gmail.com
7 L.K. Thakur, A.K. Kashyap and ,B.K. Patle Exploring benefits of 3d printing technology in Industry 4.0 labheshthakur100@gmail.com
8 L.K. Thakur, A.K. Kashyap and ,B.K. Patle Design and development of 5-dof robotic arm with a mechanical gripper labheshthakur100@gmail.com
9 Omkar Vadam, Piyush Ramanujam and Nitin D. Pagar Development of dual purpose treadmill bicycle model ghangrekartejas01@gmail.com
10 Rohan R. Naikwade, B. K. Patle, N. D. Pagar Survey on Techniques Available for Sugarcane Maturity Testing rohannaikwadeicom@gmail.com
11 Prashant Patunkar and etal Experimental Investigations on Novel Geometry Counter Flow Air Cooler malharmangle@gmail.com
12 Abhishek Joshi and etal A Hybrid Approach of Automated Attendance System and Chat Bot for Educational Institutions

<a href="google.com">

13 Bhushan Nandre and etal Low-Cost Automatic Cutting Machine bhushan.nandre@gmail.com
14 Anand Pandey1, Sandeep Thorat2, B.K. Patle3 Analysis of Robotic Process Automation Tools pandeyanandkumar218@gmail.com
15 Mayuresh S. Bhujbal and Prof. Mangesh Dhavalikar Study of the Genesis of Fires in Electric Vehicles bhujbalmayuresh510@gmail.com
16 ECE Shamika Kadav and etal Time Table Scheduling System shamikadav@gmail.com
17 Divya Pullivarthi and etal Multiple Object Detection, Object Tracking, Lane Tracking, and Motion Detection Shadow Robotbased on Computer Vision divya.pullivarthi@gmail.com
18 Prof.Sandip Shrote and etal Smart Wheelchair for Old and Disabled Sandip.shrote@mituniversity.edu.in
19 Architecture Pranit P. Merchant, Sayali V. Desai Labour Safety & Skill Training Using Virtual Reality, A Case Study- Of Higher Altitude Work. merchant.pranit@gmail.com
20 Mr. Amit Pisolka, rs. Madhuri Patil Digital Interventions Of 3D Printing Technology In Architecture aramit.pisolkar@gmail.com
21 Richa Mishra1*, Harshita Mishra2, S.S. Jadon3, Akash Meena Digitally Reconstructing the Past: Mapping the Historical Water Storage Structures at Gwalior Fort using GIS-based Inventories ar.richamishra01@gmail.com
22 Gayatri Mahajan1 and Dr. Parag Narkhede2 Analyzing BIM use and application in the building industry from 2008 to 2023
23 Ar.Deeparani Chougule, Dr. parag Narkhede A review on “Sustainable Solutions for Housing Construction with Advanced Technologies in Indian Context
24 Food Technology Akshata Palve, Dr. Prerana Shere, Dr. Sujata Ghodke, Dr. Amit Kulthe Process Standardization for Mango Leather palveakshata8@gmail.com
25 A.T. Nagargoje, P.D Shere, S.V. Ghodke and Agarwal R.S. Development and Nutritional Assessment of Herb Fortified Pomegranate Beverage
26 Dhaneshwari Karnavat, Deepti Chaudhari Formulation and standardization of millet-based protein-mineral enriched granola bar dhaneshwarikarnavat2511@gmail.com
27 Munde G.B., Patil V.S., Pathan F.L Standardization and Value Addition for Development of Frozen Kebab using Germinated Brown Rice, Fenugreek Microgreens and Mustard Microgreens
28 Civil/PCM Aakash S. Pawar, Supriya S. Shinde,Prof. (Dr.) Amit Sharma https://abhivruddhi.mituniversity.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Standardization-and-Value-Addition-for-Development-of-Frozen-Kebab-using-Germinated-Brown-Rice-copy-1.pd aakashrcpit@gmail.com,
29 Agri Business  Gunjali Moholkar, Vedantika Bhoite Empirical study on investigation of applications of Artificial Intelligence in Food Safety
30 Sakshi Sonawane and Aarti Tilekar Study On Consumer Acceptance Towards Millet Based Gluten Free Products with Special Reference to Pune City
32 Marketing  Dr. Sunil Dhondopant Doke and Dr. Chhabi Chavan A study of consumer preferences towards ready to eat food in Pune
33 Finance  Ms. Shikha Jaiswal, Dr. Ujjwal Mishra A Study of the digital payment adoption in India, current potential and the future ahead shikha.jais1110@gmail.com
34 Rakhi Popatrao Sangale and Dr. Dipak Vakrani A Study of the digital payment adoption in India, current potential and the future ahead rakhi.sagale@mituniversity.edu.in
Sr.No Volume 3 Issue 1 Page No
1 Authors Sanskar S. Dhore, Rahul M. Kulkarni and Bhushan S. Mane 1-4
Paper Title Development of Mapping and Surveying Drone
2 Authors Arijit I. Haldar and Nitin D. Pagar 5-8
Paper Title Control of Bipod Robot and its stability
3 Authors Ketan Kalke and Prof. Bhumeshwar Patle 9-14
Paper Title Study on Application of AI controllers for speed control of motors
4 Authors Saurabh Babu Hirwe, Abhishek Kumar Kashyap and Bhumeshwar Patle 15-21
Paper Title A Review on Involvement of AI, RPA and IoT in Human Resource Management
5 Authors Kasturi Mahajan and Prof. Shashank Gawade 24-30
Paper Title HESS with Control Algorithms in Dual-Chemistry Battery Pack for Light Electric Vehicles
6 Authors Nishad Milind Rajhans, Ayush Giri, Kalpesh Kolte 31-38
Paper Title Autonomous Indoor Mapping Robot using ROS
7 Authors L.K. Thakur, A.K. Kashyap and ,B.K. Patle 39-45
Paper Title Exploring benefits of 3d printing technology in Industry 4.0
8 Authors L.K. Thakur, A.K. Kashyap and ,B.K. Patle 46-53
Paper Title Design and development of 5-dof robotic arm with a mechanical gripper
9 Authors Omkar Vadam, Piyush Ramanujam and Nitin D. Pagar 54-66
Paper Title Development of dual purpose treadmill bicycle model
10 Authors Rohan R. Naikwade, B. K. Patle, N. D. Pagar 67-71
Paper Title Survey on Techniques Available for Sugarcane Maturity Testing
11 Authors Prashant Patunkar and etal 72-74
Paper Title Experimental Investigations on Novel Geometry Counter Flow Air Cooler
12 Authors Abhishek Joshi and etal 75-81
Paper Title A Hybrid Approach of Automated Attendance System and Chat Bot for Educational Institutions
13 Authors Bhushan Nandre and etal 82-88
Paper Title Low-Cost Automatic Cutting Machinec
14 Authors Anand Pandey1, Sandeep Thorat2, B.K. Patle3 89-92
Paper Title Analysis of Robotic Process Automation Tools
15 Authors Mayuresh S. Bhujbal and Prof. Mangesh Dhavalikar 93-99
Paper Title Study of the Genesis of Fires in Electric Vehicles
16 Authors Shamika Kadav and etal 100-106
Paper Title Time Table Scheduling System
17 Authors Divya Pullivarthi and etal 107-110
Paper Title Multiple Object Detection, Object Tracking, Lane Tracking, and Motion Detection Shadow Robotbased on Computer Vision
18 Authors Prof.Sandip Shrote and etal 111-114
Paper Title Smart Wheelchair for Old and Disabled
19 Authors Pranit P. Merchant, Sayali V. Desai 115-120
Paper Title Labour Safety & Skill Training Using Virtual Reality, A Case Study- Of Higher Altitude Work.
20 Authors Mr. Amit Pisolka, rs. Madhuri Patil 121-130
Paper Title Digital Interventions Of 3D Printing Technology In Architecture
21 Authors Richa Mishra1*, Harshita Mishra2, S.S. Jadon3, Akash Meena 124-129
Paper Title Digitally Reconstructing the Past: Mapping the Historical Water Storage Structures at Gwalior Fort using GIS-based Inventories
22 Authors Gayatri Mahajan1 and Dr. Parag Narkhede2 130-132
Paper Title Analyzing BIM use and application in the building industry from 2008 to 2023
23 Authors Ar.Deeparani Chougule, Dr. parag Narkhede 133-140
Paper Title A review on “Sustainable Solutions for Housing Construction with Advanced Technologies in Indian Context
24 Authors Akshata Palve, Dr. Prerana Shere, Dr. Sujata Ghodke, Dr. Amit Kulthe 141-145
Paper Title Process Standardization for Mango Leather
25 Authors A.T. Nagargoje, P.D Shere, S.V. Ghodke and Agarwal R.S. 146-148
Paper Title Development and Nutritional Assessment of Herb Fortified Pomegranate Beverage
26 Authors Dhaneshwari Karnavat, Deepti Chaudhari 149-158
Paper Title Formulation and standardization of millet-based protein-mineral enriched granola bar
27 Authors Munde G.B., Patil V.S., Pathan F.L 159-168
Paper Title Standardization and Value Addition for Development of Frozen Kebab using Germinated Brown Rice, Fenugreek Microgreens and Mustard Microgreens
28 Authors Aakash S. Pawar, Supriya S. Shinde,Prof. (Dr.) Amit Sharma 169-178
29 Authors Gunjali Moholkar, Vedantika Bhoite 179-184
Paper Title Empirical study on investigation of applications of Artificial Intelligence in Food Safety
30 Authors Sakshi Sonawane and Aarti Tilekar 185-191
Paper Title Study On Consumer Acceptance Towards Millet Based Gluten Free Products with Special Reference to Pune City
31 Authors Kartik Chandrawale, Deepali Khade, Shivendra Bhosale 192-217
32 Authors Dr. Sunil Dhondopant Doke and Dr. Chhabi Chavan 218-223
Paper Title A study of consumer preferences towards ready to eat food in Pune
33 Authors Ms. Shikha Jaiswal, Dr. Ujjwal Mishra 224-226
Paper Title A Study of the digital payment adoption in India, current potential and the future ahead
34 Authors Rakhi Popatrao Sangale and Dr. Dipak Vakrani 227-230
Paper Title A Study of the digital payment adoption in India, current potential and the future ahead

Sr. No.

Paper TitleAuthors Name

Page No

 Agri and Food Business Management

Analysis of FMCG Promotion In The

Rural Sector

Akash Hase , Shweta Mengde , Ashoka


2SWOT Analysis Of Punjab AgricultureAkshay More , Mandar Hingase6-10



Are Farmers Ready For The Acceptance Of Innovation In


Gunjali Moholkar, Pruthviraj Gadhave, Sushma Lokhande11-18

Crop Insurance And Its Role In

Indian Agriculture

Pallavi Dabhade, Gauri Karle, Shubham

Lagad, Dr. Ritesh Watharkar




A Comparative Study Using The Indian Market To Examine Consumer Acceptance Of Electric Vs Petrol Bikes


Pruthviraj Gadhave1, Gunjali Moholkar1, Dr. Sushma Lokhande2


Formulation Of Millet Based Ragi


Maithili Raut1, Swapnil Shirawale1, Swaraj

Chaudhary1, Dr. Ashoka Todmal2


To Study Consumer Perception

Towards Spirulina Bar

Maithili Raut1, Swapnil Shirawale1, Swaraj

Chaudhary1, Dr. Shushma Lokhande2


Indian Organic Food: Opportunities

And Challenges

Shweta Mengde1, Akash Hase 1, Dr. Sushma






Smart Home Automation System

1  Prof.Rupali Ithape

2  Mr.Sahil Toradmal

3  Mr. Ranjeet Shendage

4  Mr. Aditya kasar





Smart Parking System For Smartcity And High-Rise Buildings

Prof. Mahesh Kamthe, Mr. Abhishek Duddagi, Mr. Gourish Mandhare, Mr. Dhairysheel Khot, Mr. Jayesh Gaikwad

Prof.Rajendra Prasad Pagare





Driver Assist System (Das)

Prof. Mahesh Kamthe, Ayush S Patil, Tanish D Kansara*, Komal R Molekar, Sanskar S Patil.72-76
12Sos Smart Device

Vrushank Hole, Rucha Urankar, Deepraj

Bhalerao, Dhananjay Thakare




Generating Electricity Using Footsteps

Ms. Esha Sanjay Deoghare, Ms. Pournima Khode, Mr. Anuraj Sanjay Chavan, Mr. Ishan

Sanjay Gour, Prof. Faruk Bagwan




Automatic Plant Watering And Parameter Checker

Prof. Mahesh A. Kamthe, Navneet Chinchole,

Prathamesh Mulukh, Sanchita Sable, Rushikesh Shinde


Development Of A Web-Based

Energy Monitoring System

1. Sakshi M.Hosamani, 2. Ramesh Y. Mali90-95



Early Parkinson’S Disease Diagnosis Through Unsupervised Machine

Learning Methods

Akanksha Rajesh Prasad, Anushaka Patil, Aarya Kulkarni, Prof. Sonali Deshpande, Khushna Kazi96-101



Enhancing Human Detection And Counting Using A Yolo V8 Algorithm And Haar Cascade



Nilima Kulkarni, Siri Rao, Shruti Karpe, Sahil Chalke, Anushka Singh

18Intelligent System For E-Commerce

1Aditya Shinde, 2 Nilima Kulkarni, 3Shivam

Dhawale, 4Siddhi Pawar, 5Vedant Lokhande




Healthcare Catboat System Using Machine Learning

Prof. Bhagyashree D. Shendkar1, Dr. Ganesh R. Pathak2 , Prof. Moushmee Kuri3, Prof. Shahin





Assessing The Impact Of Web-Based Patient Management Systems On Healthcare Efficiency


1Siddharth Mahankal, 2Nashrh Khan, 3Gayatri Patil, 4Suyesh Shinde,5Dr. Rajendra Pawar




A Comprehensive Analysis Of The Blockchain Threat Landscape: Security Attacks, Impacts &



Deepa Ujjwal Mishra, Dr. Shraddha Phansalkar


Heart Disease Prediction Using Deep


Mansi Singh Parihar, Dr. Reena Gunjan125-131




Indoor Navigation System

1Dhruv Dubey, 2Oindrilla Banerjee , 3Uchasha Mukherjee, 4Omkar Lande, 5Dr. Amol A.

Bhosle,6Dr. Rajendra G. Pawar




Utilizing Machine Learning To Detect Insider Threats: A Supervised Approach On Email Data


Priti Temgire, Suraj Kolpe, Yashashree Patil, Omkar Chakane, Prof Smita Gumaste




The Food Oasis: Web Application For Food Sharing

Mr. Sumitraj Sadafule1, Mr. Atharva Bandale 2,

Mr. Swapnil Pawar 3, Mr. Priyanshu Sharma4, Prof. Tushar Mote5




Speech Emotion Recognition: A

Review On Current Methodologies And Challenges

Prof. Tanuja Zende, Dr. Ramachandra. V. Pujeri, Dr. Suvarna. Pawar147-149



Building Trustworthy Ai: The Role

Of Explainability In Real-World Systems




Enhancing Explainability In Fake News Detection: A Shap Based Approach For Bidirectional Lstm


Harsh Kumar Singh, Abizer Jesawada, Kavita Patel, Dipti Kumari,

Prof. Rohini Bhosale


Smart Farming System Using Iot For

Efficient Crop Growth

H.A.Kalse, S.R.Pawar, S.S. Jangam, L.C. Desale159-168



Multi-Class Classification Of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Gans

Sudipa Ray [2]Tejasvi Patil [3]Rucha Bhandari

[4]Diya Dalal [5]Prof Rajkumar Patil


DevSecOps: Improving Software

Development Lifecycle

Ruchi Ranka, Sankalp Paranjpe, Rohit Pachlor175-180



Guardian Cipher- Multiple Encryption With Asymmetric KeysAditya Sangle, Aditi Bhattacharya, Aditya Pate, Utkarsha Undre, Prof. Pooja Oza181-188



Empowering Innovation: How Low-

Code And No-Code Are Changing The Tech Landscape


Sneha Singha, Ruchita Sharma,




Analyzing Trends Of Companies On Placement Analytics

Website Using Power Bi


Amey Yadav, Labhesh Dharmik, Devanshu Ghulaxe, *Reetika Kerketta




Improving The Effectiveness And Efficiency Of Technical Debt

Management Automation


Vaishali Jorwekar*, Dr. Rajneeshkaur Sachdeo




Depression Detection In Adolescents Using Nlp And Deep LearningRushikesh Nale, Ujjwal Kulkarni, Manasi Kulkarni, Dr Nagesh Jadhav202-206



A Comparative Analysis Of Phishing Detection Techniques: Exploring Strengths, Weaknesses, And

Research Gaps


Ashvini Jadhav, Pankaj Chandre

 Food Technology
38Standardization Of Recipe And Quality Evaluation Of Turmeric Pickle


Kulkarni S.P.1*, Ghorband A.S.2, Suradkar N.G.3




Coconut-Based Products: A Review Of Their Traditional Uses, Health Benefits, And Industrial Applications


Sneha Joshi1, Nitin Suradkar2*, Siddhi Tambe3, Siddhi Chavan4, Siddhi Jain5

40Comparative Study Of Hybrid Dryer And Cabinet Dryer For Mixed Fruit Leather


Bathe S.V., Kardile N.B., and Thakre S.M

41Studies On Development Of Technology For Cereals And Legume Based Complementary Food


Shingote A. B.*, Sadawarte S. K., Suradkar N.G.

42Elixir Bars: Crafting Immunity With ChyawanprashAthawale G.H., Akbari S.H., Raichurkar S.J., Dagadkhair R.A.236-244
43Development Of Multimillet Enriched Value Added ProductRutuja Jagtap, Sumedh Jadhav and Dr. Yogita Chavan245-249


Constraints, Scope And Systematic Plan For The Awareness, Production And Commercialization Of Nutraceutical And Functional Foods



Nitin G. Suradkar1*, Anjali A. Bhoite2 and Abhilasha B. Shingote3

45Process Standardization Of Instant Beverage CubesRiya Teredesai, Rithika Lal, Rajeshwari Nimbalkar, Rena Alex, Ranjeet Waghmare and Nilesh B. Kardile257-262

Development Of Non-Dairy Protein- Rich Frozen



Sachin A. Kachave, Deepti Chaudhari

47Development And Quality Evaluation Of An Antioxidant-Rich Herbal Ice Pops

Yugandhara V. Thorat, Sagar H. Thormote Patil,

Raj M. Ubale, Vishwajeet B. Unde, Rushikesh N. Tibile, Mohammed A. and Kaninika Paul


Shelf-Life Assessment Of Minimally Processed Fresh Fenugreek Using Different Packaging And Storage




Shubhangi M. Thakre1* Rohit A. Lagad2 and Nilesh B. Kardile3

49Technology For Optimization Of Process Technology For Puffing Of GroundnutKanifnath Nakade1*, Pwase P.A., Patharkar S.R Verer S.J276-286
50Development Of Energy Bar Using Coconut And GingerAditya Deshmukh, Aaryan D’Souza,Aditya Kirwale, Yash Kand , PT Dhanush, Abhishek Marathe, Dr Kavita Mane287-290




Role of Robotics Technology in The Field of Education


Durgesh Goswami, B. K. Patle, V. K. Bhojwani




A Review on Role of Artificial Potential Field Approach in

Navigation of Robot


Aniridha Khati, B. K. Patle


Role of Mechanical Engineer in

Robotics and Automation

Manas Wakchaure, B. K. Patle, Ashish

Umbarkar, Tanmay Thorat




A review on path optimization algorithm for unmanned aerial

vehicle (UAV)

Rohan Mahatekar, Praveenkumar Bhojane, B. K. Patle311-319



A Review on Optimal Trajectory Planning of Industrial Robot using

Graph Search Algorithms


Yash Naik, B. K. Patle, Praveen Kumar Bhojane




Ultra HS steel composition-structure

processing techniques through deep learning

Vijay Roshan Patil, Soham Raut, Tushara

Thummalapalli, Ajit Patil, Nitin D. Pagar, Sandeep Ohol




A ventilator with a blood oxygen

sensor circuit controlled by an Arduino


Amol Madhukar Kunjir, Nitin D. Pagar




Experimental Analysis of Car Body Covers for Heat PenetrationAnilkumar Sathe, Aryan Prajapati, P. Manikanta Iyer, Kunal Sai Duvalla, Ishaan Agarwal341-343




An analytical approach in estimating different base fluids for silicon dioxide nanofluid to effectively cool Li-ion battery pack


Prajwal Thorat*, Prof.Dr.Sudarshan Sanap, Prof.Shashank Gawade, Prof.Dr.Rahul Kadu




Develop and Validate the Machine Learning Algorithms of SOC Estimation for Solar Assisted Three-



Mangesh Maurye*, Prof.Shashank Gawade, Prof. Neha Zope, Prof. Manisha Shitole




A Feedback Controller Based On Artificial Intelligence For Better

Customer Data Collection


Dipankar Gitesh Goswami




Renaissance Of Kala: The Ancient Educational Pedagogy For Modern

Educational Goals


Dr Shruti Sunil Nigudkar and Sawani Puranik


Changing Role Of Women In


Dr. Sanjay Pande364-366




Let Us Get In Touch: Clay Used As A Medium In Art Therapy Sessions With Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy- A Systematic

Literature Review



Dr Sheetal Harpale






Art And Technology In The Digital Age

( Using Sustainable Materials In Print And Packaging Design Can Either Limit Choices Or Spark




Payal Ravindra Vitthaldas






Traditional Art And Community Engagement Empowering Communities Through Traditional Art: An Art Therapy-Based




Smita Deshpande






Raja Ravi Varma Narrative Painting (Based On Most Famous Paintings Shakuntala Patra Lekhan)Shilpa J. Chavadekar390-404

Traditional Art And Community


Shilpi Nath Dey, Dr. Anjali Bhamare405-427


Gsm Based 3 Phase Motor Starter

Radhika Puranik, Taresh Chabukswar, Siddhesh darokar, Vedant Bhadade,Prof. Amit Kumar Patil428-430
70Revolutionizing Home SecurityAkash Maharaj, Jay Bahudhanye, Mayur Ghutiya, Shreyas Bhosale Prof. Amit Patil431-433
71Cabin detector with counter in binary representation

David Zachariah, Samarth Dongare, Prajwal Dukare, Sanskar Khedkar, Prof. Pede Deepika


72Early Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy using Machine LearningShamika Kadav, Apurva Patil, Aryan Tanwar, Sachin Takale437-443
73Multi-modal Autonomous Obstacle Detection and Collision Avoidance System for UAVsShubh Rawat, Vedant Kumaran, Srivatsa Shivganga, Prof.Trupti Kudale444-448
74Studies on Development of Gluten Free MuffinsChaitanya Sarode, Ganesh J. Bhavsar, Fayaj L. Pathan and Sandip T. Gaikwad449-450
75Coconut Water as a Functional Beverage: Bring the Nature CloserSoham Deshpande, Nitin Suradkar, Soumitra Chaudhary, Sudeep Shinde4451-455
76Exploration of Fruit Peels as a Natural Antioxidants for Edible Oil Rancidity ReductionGurme A.A., Bhoite A.A, Chavan Y.V456-465
Sr.No Volume 3 Issue 1 Page No
1 Authors Dhaneshwari Karnavat, Deepti Chaudhari 1-5
Paper Title Formulation and standardization of millet-based protein-mineral enriched granola bar
2 Authors Sakshi Sonawane, Aarti Tilekar, A. Todmal 6-12
Paper Title Study On Consumer Acceptance Towards Millet Based Gluten Free Products with Special Reference to Pune City”
3 Authors Kartik Chandrawale, Deepali Khade, Shivendra Bhosale1, Ashoka Todmal 13-20
4 Authors Sunil Doke, Chabi Chavan 21-27
Paper Title A study of consumer preferences towards ready to eat food in Pune
5 Authors Rakhi Sagale, Dipak Vakrani  28-35
Paper Title The Study On Services Offered by Forensic Accounting Sector
6 Authors Sanskar S. Dhore, Rahul M. Kulkarni and Bhushan S. Mane 36-40
Paper Title Development of Mapping and Surveying Drone
7 Authors Arijit I. Haldar and Nitin D. Pagar 41-43
Paper Title Control of Bipod Robot and its stability
8 Authors Ketan Kalke and Prof. Bhumeshwar Patle 44-50
Paper Title Study on Application of AI controllers for speed control of motors
9 Authors Saurabh Babu Hirwe, Abhishek Kumar Kashyap and Bhumeshwar Patle 51-57
Paper Title A Review on Involvement of AI, RPA and IoT in Human Resource Management
10 Authors Kasturi Mahajan and Prof. Shashank Gawade 58-61
Paper Title HESS with Control Algorithms in Dual-Chemistry Battery Pack for Light Electric Vehicles
11 Authors Nishad Milind Rajhans, Ayush Giri, Kalpesh Kolte 62-68
Paper Title Autonomous Indoor Mapping Robot using ROS
12 Authors L.K. Thakur, A.K. Kashyap and ,B.K. Patle 69-72
Paper Title Design and development of 5-dof robotic arm with amechanical gripper
13 Authors Omkar Vadam, Piyush Ramanujam and Nitin D. Pagar 73-76
Paper Title Development of dual purpose treadmill bicycle model
14 Authors Rohan R. Naikwade, B. K. Patle, N. D. Pagar 77-82
Paper Title Survey on Techniques Available for Sugarcane Maturity Testing

Vol 4 Issue 1

Sr. No. Author Name Article title (if using a journal): Page number(s):
1 Akash Hase, Shweta Mengde , Dr. Ashok Todmal Analysis Of Fmcg Promotion In The Rural Sector 1 – 5
2 Gunjali Moholkar, Pruthviraj Gadhave, Sushama Lokhande Are Farmers Ready For The Acceptance Of Innovation In Agriculture ? 6 – 18
3 Pallavi Dabhade , Gauri Karle , Shubham Lagad, Dr. Ritiesh Watharkar Crop Insurance And Its Role In Indian Agriculture 19 – 28
4 Pruthviraj Gadhave, Gunjali Moholkar, Dr. Sushma Lokhande A Comparative Study Using The Indian Market To Examine Consumer Acceptance Of Electric Vs Petrol Bikes 29 – 34
5 Maithili Raut, Swapnil Shirawale, Swaraj Chaudhary Dr. Ashoka Todmal “Formulation Of Millet Based Ragi Ice-Cream” 35 – 52
6 Maithili Raut, Swapnil Shirawale, Swaraj Chaudhary Dr. Sushma Lokhande “To Study Consumer Perception Towards Spirulina Bar” 53 – 61
7 Shweta Mengde Akash Hase  Dr. SushmaLokhande Indian Organic Food: Opportunities And Challenges 62 – 66
8 Prof.Rupali Ithape Mr.Sahil Toradmal Mr. Ranjeet Shendage Mr. Aditya kasarProf. Mahesh Kamthe Mr. Abhishek Duddagi Smart Home Automation System 67 – 73
9 Prof. Mahesh Kamthe, Mr. Abhishek DuddagiMr. Gourish Mandhare, Mr. Dhairysheel Khot Mr. Jayesh Gaikwad Prof.Rajendra Prasad Pagare Smart Parking System For Smartcity And High-Rise Buildings 74 – 77
10 Prof. Mahesh Kamthe, Ayush S Patil, Tanish D Kansara, Komal R Molekar, Sanskar S Patil.         Driver Assist System (Das) 78 – 82
11 Radhika Puranik, Taresh Chabukswar,Siddhesh darokar, Vedant Bhadade,Prof. Amit Kumar Patil Gsm Based 3 Phase Motor Starter 83 – 85
12 Vrushank Hole, Rucha Urankar, Deepraj Bhalerao, Dhananjay Thakare                          Sos Smart Device 86 – 88
13 Ms. Esha Sanjay Deoghare, Ms. Pournima Khode, Mr. Anuraj Sanjay Chavan, Mr. Ishan Sanjay Gour, Prof. Faruk Bagwan Generating Electricity Using Footsteps 89 – 92
14 Akash Maharaj, Jay Bahudhanye  Mayur Ghutiya, Shreyas Bhosale Prof. Amit Patil Revolutionizing Home Security 93 – 96
15 David Zachariah, Samarth Dongare, Prajwal Dukare, Sanskar Khedkar, Prof. Pede Deepika Ramesh Cabin Detector With Counter In Binary Representation 97 – 99
16 Sakshi M.Hosaman Ramesh Y. Mali Development Of A Web-Based Energy Monitoring System 100 – 105
17 Shamika Kadav, Apurva Patil, Aryan Tanwar, Sachin Takale Early Detection Of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Machine Learning 106 – 111
18 Akanksha Rajesh Prasad, Anushaka Patil, Aarya Kulkarni, Prof. Sonali Deshpande, Khushna Kazi Early Parkinson’S Disease Diagnosis Through Unsupervised Machine Learning Methods 112 – 117
19 Nilima Kulkarni, Siri Rao, Shruti Karpe, Sahil Chalke, Anushka Singh Enhancing Human Detection And Counting Using A Yolo V8 Algorithm And Haar Cascade Refinement 118 – 123
20 Aditya Shinde, Nilima Kulkarni, Shivam Dhawale,Siddhi Pawar, Vedant Lokhande Intelligent System For E-Commerce 124 – 128
21 Prof. Bhagyashree D. Shendkar, Dr. Ganesh R. Pathak, Prof. Moushmee Kuri, Prof Shahin Makubhai Healthcare Catboat System Using Machine Learning 129 – 132
22 1Siddharth Mahankal, 2Nashrh Khan,3Gayatri Patil, 4Suyesh Shinde,5Dr. Rajendra Pawar Assessing The Impact Of Web-Based Patient Management Systems On Healthcare Efficiency 133 – 135
23 Deepa Ujjwal Mishra, Dr. Shraddha Phansalkar A Comprehensive Analysis Of The Blockchain Threat Landscape: Security Attacks, Impacts & Countermeasures 136 – 141
24 Mansi Singh Parihar, Dr. Reena Gunjan Heart Disease Prediction Using Deep Learning 142 – 148
25 Dhruv Dubey, Oindrilla Banerjee, Uchasha Mukherjee, Omkar Lande, Dr. Amol A. Bhosle, Dr . Rajendra G. Pawar Indoor Navigation System 149 – 154
26 Priti Temgire, Suraj Kolpe, Yashashree Patil Omkar Chakane, Prof Smita Gumaste Utilizing Machine Learning To Detect Insider Threats: A Supervised Approach On Email Data 155 – 159
27 Mr. Sumitraj Sadafule1, Mr. Atharva Bandale, Mr. Swapnil Pawar 3, Mr. Priyanshu Sharma4, Prof. Tushar Mote The Food Oasis: Web Application For Food Sharing 160 – 163
28 Prof. Tanuja Zende, Dr. Ramachandra. V. Pujeri, Dr. Suvarna . Pawar Speech Emotion Recognition: A Review On Current Methodologies And Challenges 164 – 166
29 POOJA R.OZA, DR. SHRADDHA PHANSALKAR Building Trustworthy Ai: The Role Of Explainability In Real-World Systems 167 – 171
30 Harsh Kumar Singh, Abizer Jesawada, Kavita Patel, Dipti Kumari, Prof. Rohini Bhosale               Enhancing Explainability In Fake News Detection: A Shap Based Approach For Bidirectional Lstm Models 172 – 176
31 H.A.Kalse, S.R.Pawar, S.S. Jangam L.C Desale Smart Farming System Using Iot For Efficient Crop Growth 177 – 186
32 Sudipa Ray Tejasvi Patil  Rucha Bhandari Diya Dalal , Prof Rajkumar Patil Multi-Class Classification Of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Gans 187 – 193
33 Ruchi Ranka, Sankalp Paranjpe, Rohit Pachlor Devsecops: Improving Software Development Lifecycle 194 – 199
34 Aditya Sangle, Aditi Bhattacharya, Aditya Pate, Utkarsha Undre, Prof. Pooja Oza Guardian Cipher – Multiple Encryption With Asymmetric Keys 200 – 207
35 Sneha Singha, Ruchita Sharma, Empowering Innovation: How Low-Code And No-Code Are Changing The Tech Landscape 208 – 211
36 Amey Yadav, Labhesh Dharmik, Devanshu Ghulaxe, Reetika Kerketta Analyzing Trends Of Companies On Placement Analytics Website Using Power Bi 212 – 214
37 Vaishali Jorwekar, Dr. Rajneeshkaur Sachdeo Improving The Effectiveness And Efficiency Of Technical Debt Management Automation 215 – 221
38 Rushikesh Nale, Ujjwal Kulkarni, Manasi Kulkarni, Dr Nagesh Jadhav Depression Detection In Adolescents Using Nlp And Deep Learning 222 – 226
39 Ashvini Jadhav, Pankaj Chandre A Comparative Analysis Of Phishing Detection Techniques: Exploring Strengths, Weaknesses, And Research Gaps 227 – 235
40 SV Bathe, NB Kardile and SM Thakre Comparative Study Of Hybrid Dyer & Cabinet Dryer For Mixed Fruit Leather 236-243
41 Gurme A.A., Bhoite A.A, Chavan Y.V Exploration Of Fruit Peels As A Natural Antioxidants For Edible Oil Rancidity Reduction 244 – 264
42 Aditya Deshmukh, Aaryan D’Souza,Aditya Kirwale, Yash Kand , PT Dhanush, Abhishek Marathe, Dr Kavita Mane Development Of Energy Bar Using Coconut And Ginger 265 – 270
43 Shingote A. B, Sadawarte S. K., Suradkar N.G Studies On Development Of Technology For Cereals And Legume Based Complementary Food 271 – 275
44 Rutuja Jagtap, Sumedh Jadhav and Dr.Yogita Chavan Developement Of Multimillet Enriched Value Added Product 276 – 282
45 Nitin G. Suradkar Anjali A. Bhoite, Abhilasha B. Shingote Constraints, Scope And Systematic Plan For The Awareness Production And Commercialization Of Nutraceutical And Functional Foods          283 – 292
46 Shubhangi M. Thakre Rohit A. Lagad Nilesh B. Kardile Shelf-Life Assessment Of Minimally Processed Fresh Fenugreek Using Different Packaging And Storage Conditions 293 – 296
47 Kulkarni S.P., Ghorband A.S. SuradkarN.G. Standardization Of Recipe And Quality Evaluation Of Turmeric Pickle 297 – 302
48 Yugandhara V. Thorat, Sagar H. Thormote Patil, Raj M. Ubale, Vishwajeet B. Unde, Rushikesh N. Tibile, Mohammed A.Kaninika Paul Development And Quality Evaluation Of An Antioxidant-Rich Herbal Ice Pops 303 – 308
49 Riya Teredesai, Rithika Lal, Rajeshwari Nimbalkar, Rena Alex,Ranjeet Waghmare Nilesh B. Kardile        Process Standardization Of Instant Beverage Cubes 319 – 325
50 Sachin A. Kachave, Deepti Chaudhari Development Of Non-Dairy Protein Rich Frozen Dessert 326 – 329
51 Soham Deshpande1, Nitin Suradkar Soumitra Chaudhary,  Sudeep Shinde Coconut-Based Products: A Review Of Their Traditional Uses, Health Benefits, And Industrial Applications. 330 – 337
52 Durgesh Goswami, B. K. Patle, V. K. Bhojwani Role Of Robotics Technology In The Field Of Education 338 – 343
53 Aniridha Khati, B. K. Patle A Review On Role Of Artificial Potential Field Approach In Navigation Of Robot 344 – 349
54 Manas Wakchaure, B. K. Patle, Ashish Umbarkar, Tanmay Thorat Role Of Mechanical Engineer In Robotics And Automation 350 – 357
55 Rohan Mahatekar, Praveenkumar Bhojane, B.K. Patle A Review On Path Optimization Algorithm For Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Uav) 358 – 366
56 Yash Naik, B. K. Patle, Praveen Kumar Bhojane A Review On Optimal Trajectory Planning Of Industrial Robot Using Graph Search Algorithms 367 – 376
57 Vijay Roshan Patil, Soham Raut, Tushara Thummalapalli, Ajit Patil, Nitin D. Pagar, Sandeep Ohol Ultra Hs Steel Composition-Structure Processing Techniques Through Deep Learning 377 – 383
58 Amol Madhukar Kunjir, Nitin D. Pagar A Ventilator With A Blood Oxygen Sensor Circuit Controlled By An Arduino 384 – 387
59 Amol Madhukar Kunjir, Nitin D. Pagar Anilkumar Sathe, Aryan Prajapati, P. Manikanta Iyer, Kunal Sai Duvalla, Ishaan Agarwal Experimental Analysis Of Car Body Covers For Heat Penetration 388 – 390
60 Prajwal Thorat*, Prof.Dr.Sudarshan Sanap, Prof.Shashank Gawade, Prof.Dr.Rahul Kadu An Analytical Approach In Estimating Different Base Fluids For Silicon Dioxide Nanofluid To Effectively Cool Li-Ion Battery Pack 391 – 398
61 Mangesh Maurye*, Prof.Shashank Gawade, Prof. Neha Zope, Prof. Manisha Shitole “Develop And Validate The Machine Learning Algorithms Of Soc Estimation For Solar Assisted Three-Wheeler” 399 – 403
62 Dipankar Gitesh Goswami “A Feedback Controller Based On Artificial Intelligence For Better Customer Data Collection” 404 – 407
63 Dr Shruti Sunil Nigudkar and Sawani Puranik Renaissance Of Kala: The Ancient Educational Pedagogy For Modern Educational Goals 408 – 411
64 Dr. Sanjay Pande Changing Role Of Women In Advertising 412 – 414
65 Dr Sheetal Harpale Let Us Get In Touch: Clay Used As A Medium In Art Therapy Sessions With Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy 415 – 433
66 Payal Ravindra Vitthaldas Art And Technology In The Digital Age ( Using Sustainable Materials In Print And Packaging Design Can Either Limit Choices Or Spark Creativity.) 434 – 437
67 Smita Deshpande Traditional Art And Community Engagement Empowering Communities Through Traditional Art: An Art Therapy-Based Initiatives 438 – 439
68 Shilpa J. Chavadekar Raja Ravi Varma Narrative Painting Empowering (Based On Most Famous Paintings Shakuntala Patra Lekhan) 440 – 456
69 Shilpi Nath Dey, Dr. Anjali Bhamare Traditional Art And Community Engagement 457 – 479
71   Technology for optimization of Process Technology for Puffing of Groundnut FT  
72   Elixir Bars: Crafting Immunity with Chyawanprash FT  
73   Coconut Water as a Functional Beverage: Bring the Nature FT  
74   Studies on Development of Gluten Free Muffins FT  
75   Guardian Cipher- Multiple Encryption with Asymmetric Keys CSE IT  
76   Multi-modal Autonomous Obstacle Detection and Collision CSE IT  
77   Automatic plant watering and parameter checker CES