Research Papers

Research Papers


Introduction to the Research Journal

MIT ADT University is a beautiful amalgamation of various elds of knowledge including engineering & technology, art, performing arts, design, biotechnology and Vedic sciences. We invite authentic research papers and working papers of excellent quality, in any of the elds mentioned in this conference brochure. Research papers submitted will be reviewed by respected scholars whose afliation are mentioned in the Research Paper Review & Evaluation Committee. Accepted research papers will be published as part of conference proceedings in our research journal – Shodh ‘अभिवृद्धि’, within the period of one year from the date of this conference. The word ‘Shodh’ means Research and ‘अभिवृद्धि ’ means process of new layers or parts being added to something so that it increases in size. By doing research in their areas of interest, researchers are adding new layers of knowledge. In this spirit, we have named our journal.

The research journal is in process of being peer reviewed Scopus indexed in the coming two years, following all guidelines laid down by UGC in this respect.

Startup InnoVation and Award Committee

Dr. Mohit Dubey

Dr. Ramachandra Pujeri

Prof. Dr. Virendra Bhojwani

Prof. Dr. Virendra Shete

Dr. Chhabi Chavan

Dr. Mrudang Y. Shukla

Prof. Sunil Dhingare

Aerospace Engineering

Dr. Ashwini Pethe, Dr. Neeti Trivedi


Prof. Satish Patil


Prof. Rajini Sachdeo Dr Phansalkar , Dr Rajesh Prasad


Dr. Asawari Bhave, Dr. Priya Singh


Dr. Anjali Bhoite, Dr. Anupama Devkatte

Food Technology

Prof. Rekha Sugandhi


Prof. Sanap Sudharshan


Dr. Chhabi Chavan, Dr.Sunil Doke, Prof.Shivom Chakravarty


Dr. Sai Susarla, Dr. Anupama Ryali

Vedic Science

Research Papers Review & Evaluation Committee

Researchers and Scientists from other respectable institutes, namely

  1. IISER Pune :
  2. IIIT Pune :
  3. Defense Institute of Advance Tech :
  4. National Chemical Laboratory, Pune :

Research & EDITORIAL Committee

(for awards to accepted research papers and paper presentations)

Aerospace Engineering         :       Dr. Devabatra Sahoo

Architecture                           :       Dr. Ashwini Pethe

Civil Engineering                   :     Dr. Kishore Ravande, Dr. Satish Patil

CSE                                          :      Dr Rajesh Prasad, Dr Jayashree Prasad, Dr. Omprakash Tembhurne, Dr Rajani Sangappa Sajjan, Dr. Nandkumar Kulkami, Dr. Ayesha Butalia,                                                                    Dr. Prashant Dhotre, Dr. Krishna Kumar, Dr. Pathan Mohd Shafi.

Education                               :     Dr. Namrata Kamble.

Food Technology and Agri  :      Dr. Anjali Bhoite, Dr. Yogita V Chavan

Mechanical Engineering     :       Dr. Virendra Bhojwani, Dr. Bhumeshwar Patle, Dr. Nitin Pagar

ECE                                         :        Dr. Manoj Hans.Dr. Rajendraprasad Pagare

Management                        :        Dr. Chhabi Sinha-Chavan, Dr. Jitendra Kaushik, Dr. Ujjwal Mishra, Dr. Samita Mahapatra, Dr Archana Singh

Vedic Science                       :        Prof. Anuya Patil; Prof. Pratik Dutta

Bioengineering                   :        Dr. Renu Vyas, Dr KV Swamy, Dr. Pranav Pathak

Journalism                          :        Dr. Mayura Bijale, Dr Kashif Hasan

Design                                 :        Dr. Wricha Mishra

Applied Science                 :       Dr. Rajesh Ingale, Dr. Rahul Kadu, Dr Haribhau Bhapkar, Dr Manoj Patowary, Dr Vinayak Dhumale, Dr. Atul Patil. 


The authors are invited to contribute their papers. The abstract of the contributing paper should focus on the items such as objective of the study, methodology, research findings and scope of the study. There will be a review on the abstracts by experts and selection of the paper is based on the recommendations of the referee committee. Conference secretariat is planning to bring out the proceedings of the conference after a peer review process. The authors are requested to prepare their full length paper and communicate the same as per the scheduled time . Preference will be given to the papers with new theoretical contribution, novel applicability of existing tools with state of art to be included in the proceedings. The participants are requested to send the abstracts of their papers as per the format mentioned below. Selected research papers will get published in UGC CARE listed journal.

Abstract Format: Please use the prescribed format given at the UGC for UGC CARE listed journals

Text Format: Microsoft Word format

Title: Use initial caps in the title; do not use all caps

Author(s): Type all authors’ names with initial caps. Include affiliations for all authors using tags if necessary.

Address: Contact/ Presenting authors’ names and mailing address and e-mail addresses. Keywords and Phrases: Maximum 5 keywords or Phrases.

Abstract Body: Limited to 200 words.

research paper FORMAT

research paper dates

Last date for submitting abstract:
28th February 2025

Last date of submitting full paper:
09th March 2025

Registration Details

Students / Research Scholars / Post doc: Rs. 1000/-

Faculty / Academician / Teachers: Rs. 1500/-

Industry Professionals / Corporates / NGO: Rs.2000/-

Listeners / Attendees: Free

Conference registration

Students: Rs. 1000/-

Academician: Rs. 1500/-

Industry : Rs. 2000/-

research topics


