
7th National Conference on Innovative Global Technology Trends

Register for Conference

Register for Research Papers

Register for Both (Conference & Research Papers

Fee for Conference Participation

Students: Rs. 1000/-
Academician: Rs. 1500/-
Industry: Rs. 2000/-

Fee for research paper

Students: Rs. 1500/-
Academician: Rs. 2000/-
Industry: Rs. 2500/-

MODE: Offline

Important Dates

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Event Date
Conference Dates 19th, 20th and 21st March 2025
Abstract Submission Deadline -
Full Paper Submission Deadline 09th March 2025


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Step No. Step
1 Submit the Abstract in CMT Tool (Link Here)
2 Committee reviews the Abstract before approving or suggesting corrections
3 Once you receive approval for Abstract, submit full-length paper as per template available on the website (note down the Paper ID allotted in CMT for the full-length paper)
4 Committee reviews the full-length paper before approving, suggesting corrections, or rejecting
5 Once you receive the approval, register for the conference as per the appropriate type mentioned in the below table by making payment (carefully enter the Paper ID for the full-length paper while registering)

Note: Get in touch with the SPOC of your area/department for any further help. SPOC Contacts are mentioned in the conference brochure


Email to:-

Registration Fees

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S. N. Category Registration Fee (INR) Action
1 Paper Submission by Students / Research Scholars / Post Doc 1000 Pay Online
2 Paper Submission by Faculty / Academicians / Teachers 1500 Pay Online
3 Paper Submission by Industry Professionals / Corporates / NGO 2000 Pay Online
4 Listener / Attendees (Without Paper Submission) Free Pay Online
  1. Submitting a paper in the CMT Tool is mandatory for the first three categories.
  2. You will be required to enter the Paper ID of the full-length paper (allotted in CMT) during registration.
  3. Participation/Winner Certificates will only be issued to registered individuals. For example: If there are 4 authors wanting to receive 4 individual certificates, each author needs to register separately. If one author registers, they can include either only their name or all authors' names on one certificate.
  4. A Registration Kit and Meal Coupon will be provided to registered individuals only.